What are you GRATEFUL for?

"Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone." ~G.B. Stern

I have decided to start this gratitude blog for several reasons. I have found that lately I am rarely grateful for all that I have and find reasons to feel ungrateful. I have also seen, via facebook and other sites that I am not alone. Many of us find so many reasons to complain. I hope this blog inspires us, even for one moment of the day, to say "thank you" for even one blessing in our life. My goal with this blog is to share at least one moment of gratitude, even on my very worst day. I hope that you will feel inspired to share with us what you are grateful for and together we can help lift and change the way we feel about our everyday lives and be a more grateful people.

"Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture." ~Kak Sri

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Today I am mostly grateful that my very strong willed 2 year old, decided to start using the potty all by herself. She just decided 2 weeks ago (the day she was diagnosed with croup) that she was ready and has done very well with it. It has been a little difficult for me at this stage, as I am very pregnant and getting up every 5 minutes with her to use the bathroom can get old. However, as this IS a gratitude blog I will highlight that this means we will be buying less diapers when this baby comes and I will hopefully not be changing 2 cute little bums within a month :) Potty training is one of my least favorite parts of being a parent so I am grateful Lia has made it fairly easy for me.

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